I have lived and breathed this air for the past 13 years, Melbourne is my home. A country kid at heart, imported at the end of the 2000’s. I found a job at one of the cities most iconic music venues then proceeded to party, skate and scrape the bottom of the barrel for the next 10 or so years.
Photography went hand in hand with Art, which had been ingrained in my life for a long time. I never took photography as seriously as my art, but i was snapping away nonetheless. Starting out with mostly shitty plastic point and shoot style film cameras, a fish-eye being the main culprit.
Then with invention of the iPhone and Instagram, that became largely the only photography i did for a long time.
A few rolls here and there through out the years as the film industry slowly shriveled up. Around 2019 i started to focus on this passion a little more, A trip to Tokyo with Ally really stoking the fire. Then 2020 hit and it was all i did. Obsession, is an understatement.
I leaned in hard and learnt everything i could, it almost became a form of meditation. If i didn’t have my camera something wasn’t quite right. Thousands of hours later here i am sifting through negatives like a mad man.